Lindsey Charles


Lindsey CharlesLindsey is a consultant with Vision Change Win and a licensed social worker and a certified health coach with more than 10 years of nonprofit experience. Lindsey has worked as a social worker in educational settings and provides technical assistance best practices for staff working with youth. As the Associate Director of Support Services at FEGS (Federation Employment Guidance Services) they work with 13 teachers at schools throughout New York City, supports them with trainings, technical assistance, and innovative protocols to more effectively work with young people.

As a former Co-Chair of the Audre Lorde Project’s Board of Directors Lindsey, provided fiscal oversight, fundraised, and led board recruitment efforts to support the organization’s management and development. They are passionate about social justice, wellness, violence prevention, food justice and reducing staff burnout.

At Vision Change Win, Lindsey consults on a variety of topics including leading pair and group mediations, organizational conflict assessments, generative conflict workshops, board development, and more. Lindsey is also a facilitator in the Transforming Conflict program.