Photo of Ray dressed in a black top, gray plans, and black shoes sitting outside in front of a pink wall with white trim, on a set of three wooden steps next to a white handrail

Ray is a consultant at Vision Change Win who enjoys developing programmatic structures that increase sustainability and shared power for front line staff, as well as the communities they serve.  They are a mixed race, Eurasian & Ashkenazi, trans, trauma/crisis intervention specialist, mediator and facilitator who has been working in non-profits for the past 20 years.

As a dedicated direct service provider, Ray has spent years in radical harm reduction settings. They have supervised programs, milieus and county-wide events, as well as supported hundreds of young people and dozens upon dozens of front line staff. As a popular education curriculum designer and facilitator, Ray has conducted hundreds of trainings, support groups and retreats for adults and young people alike across the country. Their commitment to collective liberation has taken them wherever young people can be found, from streets to schools, from drop-in centers to jails and foster care.  Ray strives to cultivate spaces safe enough for people to dream, laugh, grieve, learn, love and practice.

As a consultant for Vision Change Win, Ray works with clients on topics ranging from mediation and generative conflict to retreat facilitation and more. Ray is also an instructor in the Transforming Conflict cohort program.