Community Safety Rapid Response Support

VCW offers free of charge virtual rapid response support to social justice movements, organizations, and leaders dealing with urgent community safety incidents. 

If you or your organization is concerned for your safety, submit a support request. We will contact you within 48 hours. We provide a holistic community safety approach to support you through your safety concerns. Our security practitioners have between 10-25 years of experience building community safety outside of police, prisons, and state institutions. We will use our best effort to support in you addressing your safety needs. A valid email address is required to submit a request.

We provide consultation support focused on:

  • Personal/Home Safety 
  • Organizational safety
  • Action and event safety
  • Digital security 

After you submit a request, we have a variety of ways to help.

We offer: 

  • Risk assessment of the incident 
  • Up to three sessions of one-on-one support with an experienced community safety practitioner
  • Personalized community safety recommendations 
  • Community safety referrals 
  • Community safety resources  
  • Follow up after the incident

Support Hours

We will be accepting requests Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 5:00pm PST. Requests submitted during system off hours will be reviewed during the next open hours. 

For extremely urgent requests, there is an option in the request submission form to indicate high urgency. We will do our best to respond to these requests within 8 – 24 hours, even on weekends, where possible.