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Progressive Safety Alliance (PSA)

The Progressive Safety Alliance (PSA) is a group of community safety and security practitioners and organizations across the US who have come together to support the safety and security of US leftist social movements. Each of our members have between 10 – 40 years’ experience working directly on safety and security protocols and all have experience coordinating community safety programs and/or delivering training and support for Black, Indigenous, and People of color communities, LGBTQ communities, women, immigrant communities, low-income communities, disabled communities, survivors of violence, and many more marginalized communities.

Since 2021 PSA has come together to map our leftists social movement’s safety needs and have been developing tools, resources, and programs to fill these gaps. We believe strengthening our movements collective community safety practices is key to building self determination and sovereignty for our communities.

Community Safety Political Education and Resources: 

Our communities have a rich legacy of keeping each other safe. Historically our communities and social movements have been targeted for our political projects. As we continue to build our safety practices today, we must honor and learn from the generations before us who have kept each other safe. 

PSA has compiled political education and resources focused on community safety that we and other groups have developed over the years. We have political education resources on: political repression, movement strategy, mutual aid, surveillance and white nationalism, and much more. Our community safety resources include: Security Culture, Electoral Safety, Transformative Justice, Digital Security, Event and Action Safety, Safety Planning and much more. These materials are a combination of articles, books, websites, toolkits, workbooks, guides, and videos. Read, engage, and use these resources to bolster your safety work in your communities.

If there are any political education materials or community safety resources you’d like us to add, please email us at [email protected]  We will update these resources periodically.  

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Community Safety Resources

Community Security/Security Culture


  • Get In Formation Community Safety Toolkit by Vision Change Win | A collection of security and safety practices built by years of learning in the streets from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color movements within the U.S.
  • Holistic Security: A Strategy Manual for Human Rights Defenders by Holistic Security | This manual is designed to guide a process of establishing or improving security strategies for individuals, collectives or organizations integrating digital security, psycho-social well-being and organizational security processes. 




Election Security

Interactive Map

  • A Bid For Power: Mapping the Electoral Far Right in the 2022 Elections by Ben Lorber, Olivia Lawrence-Weilmann, and Steven Gardiner | An interactive map depicting hundreds of candidates for federal, statewide, and state legislative office in the 2022 midterm election cycle who represent a definable Electoral Far Right, the insurrectionist edge of American politics. 

Transformative Justice


Workbooks and Toolkits

  • Creative Interventions Toolkit by Creative Interventions | A practical toolkit and workbook on addressing interpersonal violence. The toolkit is available in English and Spanish (soon in French and German).
  • Fumbling Towards Repair Workbook by Mariame Kaba and Shira Hassan | Workbook that includes reflection questions, skill assessments, facilitation tips, definitions, activities, and hard learned lessons intended to support people who have taken on the coordination and facilitation of formal community accountability processes to address interpersonal harm and violence. 
  • Electoral Safety Toolkit by Vision Change Win | A practical guide to 2024 elections and beyond.


  • Beyond Survival Edited by Ejeris Dixon and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha | In this collection, a diverse group of authors focuses on concrete and practical forms of redress and accountability, assessing existing practices and making paths forward. They use a vierty of forms—from toolits to personal essays—to delve into the “hot to” of transformative justice, providing alternatives to calling the police, ways to support people having mental health crises, stories of community-based murder interventions, and more. 
  • Revolution Starts at Home by Ching-In Chen, Jai Dulani, and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha | Provides practical strategies for dealing with abuse and creating safety without relying on the coercive power of the state. It offers life-saving alternatives for survivors, while building a movement where no one is left behind.


  • One Million Experiments | One million experiments is exploring snapshots of community-based projects that expand our ideas about what keeps us safe. 

Digital Security


  • Doxxing Prevention Resources | Doxxing is when someone maliciously posts your personal information on the internet, generally for the purpose of harassing you and encouraging others to do so. Here are some basic steps to take to reduce your risk of being doxxed.
  • Zoombombing Self-Defense: A Technical Guide | This is a technical guide for increasing community safety and security when using Zoom Meetings for public or semi-public events. 
  • Dox Surival Kit | A series of steps to take if you are being doxxed/harassed via online exposure of personal information.
  • Equality Labs Anti-Doxxing Guide by Equality Labs | Anti-doxing guide to support activists who are getting targeted by right wing forces around the world for resisting white supremacy, Islamophobia, casteism, and all strains of authoritarianism.


  • DeleteMe | Data scrubbing service that will to remove customer’s information from search results on their behalf. 
  • Tall Poppy | Data scrubbing service that provides a step by step guide to digital safety.

Helplines and Diagnostic Tools

  • Access Now Digital Security Helpline | A multilingual helpline to support activist and human rights defenders from around the world respond to digital security incidents. They also do follow-up support and training. Overall a great resource! Language support includes English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Filipino, and Italian.
  • Digital First Aid | A multilingual online digital security diagnostic tool that walks you through a series of questions about a current incident and helps you address it. Language support includes English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, and Albanian. A great self-service tool for a wide range of concerns

Assessments and Checklists

  • Digital security foundations for organizations | Organized as a set of self-assessment questions, this Information Ecology resource contains recommendations on foundational practices that improve digital security outcomes overall and also set you up for success when it is time to undertake future improvements.
  • Best practices for passwords and authentication practices |  Checklist for improving how you prove to your systems that you are who you say you are, including creating strong passwords, managing passwords, and using 2-factor authentication.
  • Best practices for Securing Your Devices | This is an Information Ecology checklist that provides a range of steps people and organizations can take to protect their devices against unauthorized access and malware/viruses.

Know Your Rights Resources



Safety Planning




  • Staying Safe: How Do We Stay Safe | This is a chapter of the Creative Interventions Toolkit focused on staying safe for survivors of intimate partner violence.  


Action/Event Safety



Instagram Posts

Political Education Resources

Community Safety



Mutual Aid



Movement Strategy


Political Repression



Surveillance and White Nationalism

